Chance v The Governor Of Illinois

And this is Chicago... a City who has been given the nickname "Chiraq" due to its recent war zone like behavior has experienced 6 days of peace...a small accomplishment to some ... but to Chicago ... it means 1000s of lives that will live to see another day...

And this is Chance The Rapper... with recent success of his latest project "The Coloring Book" & some Grammys to add. Chance has been a activist for education in his hometown of Chicago. So far as a meeting with the govenor which was deemed unsuccessful due to his inaction ... (refusing to fund CPS some $215 million dollars which without will have the schools closing 3 weeks early) Chance takes matters into his own hands by donating $1 mil to CPS... although this does not scratch the surface on what's needed.. Chance calls this a "call to action" ... the beginning to what I'm sure will be more to come.. 

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