Jamie Foxx is the next Hollywood Star to get #Meetoo'd

Jamie Foxx is the newest victim in the #Metoo movement! 

Thats right there is a woman who is claiming that Jamie Foxx smacked her in the face with his "manhood'.

Yep she is saying that she was in Vegas with Jamie and he tried to get her to perform oral sex on him! And she said after she said no he slapped her in the face with his Johnson! 

She also claims she went to the hospital the next day when she returned to Los Angeles after suffering a severe panic attack.

Foxx's attorney, Allison Hart of Lavely & Singer, told TMZ the entire story is made up. 

And he is suing her right back for filling a false police report on him.

Oh yea I forgot to mention one little detail..."she claims this happened 16 years ago"

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