If You Were Butt Hurt Over Kaepernick & The Anthem, Wait Til You See Trump

What a tangled web HE weaves.... After once referring to Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players "sons of b****es" because they were protesting unjustified killings of African Americans at the hands of police by kneeling during the National Anthem , Donald Trump now finds himself in a National Anthem debacle. On Sunday, while Demi Lovato was belting out the Star Spangled Banner at the Big Game, Trump was conducting an "air orchestra" and pointing at people while everyone else in the room seemed to be focused on the Anthem. Now this is just my opinion, but Trump's behavior seems way more disrespectful than anything Kap ever did during the Anthem. It also seems way more disrespectful than Jay-Z and Beyonce remaining seated. I wonder if Tomi Lahren will be as outraged at her hero Donny as she was with Jay & Bey...

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