Ahmaud Arbery was Struck by a Vehicle & Called Racial Slur Before Killed

More heartbreaking evidence has come out during today’s hearing for the #AhmaudArbery case. The hearing was set in Brunswick, Ga and Gregory McMichael and son, Travis McMichael were present. Bryan, the man who recorded the fatal attack, was not in the courtroom during the hearing.

Investigators examined new video footage of Ahmaud Arbery moments before his death. According to ABCNEWS new evidence shows three white suspects chase Arbery down the street, strike him with a car and call him a racial slur before killing him. The details became so graphic that Arbery’s mother, Wanda Cooper walked out of the court room.

Travis McMichael's attorney, said his client only wanted to speak to Arbery about the burglaries in the neighborhood. The defense attorney also requested that the charges against the McMichael’s be dismissed.

After hearing hours of evidence from the prosecution, Glynn County Chief Magistrate Judge Wallace E. Harrell rejected requests from the defendants' attorneys to dismiss the charges. Harrell ordered the McMichaels and Bryan to stand trial on the charges in superior court.

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