Louisville Police Release Breonna Taylor Incident Report--It's nearly Blank

WE NEED ANSWERS!!! Nearly three months after Louisville Metro Police officers fatally shot Breonna Taylor in her apartment, the department has released the incident report from that night and its almost entirely blank!

The four-page report lists the time, date, case number, incident location and the victim's name, Breonna Shaquille Taylor, as well as the fact that she is a 26-year-old black female. The report also gives info that has already been widely reported, like Taylor's street number, apartment number and date of birth. But the real shocker is that it lists as her injuries, "none," even though she was shot at least eight times and died on her hallway floor in a pool of blood, according to attorneys for her family.

The charges on the report is listed as "death investigation — LMPD involved" but checks the "no" box under "forced entry," even though officers used a battering ram to knock in Taylor's apartment door.

All a bunch of BS. We need JUSTICE for #BreonnaTaylor! See full story HERE

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