In-person class might not be option for Metro Schools with COVID-19 spike

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) —Metro Nashville Public Schools are continuing to plan for the return to class this fall - but say with the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, that might not be an option.

Metro Schools' goal has been to give parents the option on whether to send their children to in-person class or attend virtually.

But with the announcement of Nashville reverting to Phase 2 of reopening and a record high of daily COVID-19 cases Thursday, Dr. Adrienne Battle says going back to the school building may no longer be an option.

"Our goal has been to offer in-person classes and virtual options for those families who want it, but we will also be prepared for the possibility that in-person classes can’t happen at the start of the school year due to COVID-19," Battle said.

Mayor Cooper said he's meeting with Metro Schools and charter schools to discuss what returning to school will look like in the fall.

"The announcement by Mayor Cooper today puts into greater focus the reality that COVID-19 is still very much a public health threat and is going to be a factor in our lives for the foreseeable future. Planning for the 2020-21 school year has been underway for months, with our teams meeting all day every day this week to finalize policies and protocols that will allow us to successfully open Aug. 4," Battle said.

Meanwhile, FOX 17 News learned 90,000 laptops for kids, purchased for $24 million by Mayor Cooper through the CARES Act, won't be ready in time for the start of the school year.A MNPS spokesman says they’ll be phased in over the fall semester.

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