After she voiced support for BLM, Dolly Parton mural pops up in Nashville

I'm honestly surprised there wasn't already a mural of Dolly Parton here in Nashville, but her support of Black Lives Matter timed very well with being honored in this way. Outside of the The 5 Spot on Forrest Avenue in East Nashville, Nashville based artist Kim Radford painted the mural. Radford told CNN:

"The day before I finished the mural, Dolly had an amazing press release about her upcoming Christmas album and her interview with Billboard. As I painted the final touches I knew her sassy loving quote -- 'Of course Black lives matter. Do we think our little White a**es are the only ones that matter?' -- would be a perfect finish to send out in my neighborhood,"

Kim even made a portion of Dolly's quote part of the mural! See below...

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