Federal Tax Returns Can Be Filed Today

A man puts a money bag on scales opposite to building of government, bank, university. Budget and funding for normal functioning. Lobbying interests. Payment of taxes. Deposits and loans.

Photo: Getty Images

Are you someone who likes to get your tax return out of the way early? Well, it's time to get cracking. As of Monday, tax season is officially underway, with the IRS now accepting individual tax returns. Currently the IRS is still working through last year's backlog, due to pandemic delays, understaffing, and the extra work of processing last year's stimulus checks. To avoid delays, the IRS recommends filing online and making sure everything is accurate before sending your return. A typical return should be processed within roughly 21 days. This year's deadline date is April 18th. Do you do your taxes early, or wait until the last minute? Do you do it online, or still file a paper return?

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