Chadwick Boseman Wins First Ever Emmy Award

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The late Chadwick Boseman has won an Emmy. He won outstanding character voice-over performance for playing Star-Lord T’Challa in a "What if…?" episode.  His wife was at the event to receive the award. in her speech, she said, "When I learned that Chad was nominated for this award, I started thinking about everything that was going on when he was recording—everything that was going on in the world and in our world and just being in such awe of his commitment and his dedication." She added, "And what a beautifully aligned moment it really is that one of the last things he would work on would not only be revisiting a character that was so important to him and his career and to the world, but also that it be an exploration of something new, diving into a new potential future—particularly with everything he spoke about purpose and finding the reason that you are here on the planet at this very time."

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