Meek Mill's Court Clerk Fired After Asking For Money During Trial!!!

The court clerk who slipped Meek Mill a note asking him for money during his probation violation hearing has been fired!

Court officials say, Wanda Chavarria irretrievably crossed the line by writing in her note she needed college tuition money for her son, saying, "unfortunately with my bad credit, I am unable to secure a loan or co-sign a loan for my son. Anything that you can do is very much appreciated."

Lawyers for Meek tell said the day Chavarria slipped the note to Meek she was serving as the clerk for Judge Genece Brinkley, who ultimately sentenced Meek to 2 to 4 years in prison. Chavarria says the judge did not know about the note, although Meek's lawyers say, before slipping Meek the note, she verbally asked for money in earshot of the judge.

Court officials have not said if they are reviewing the sentence based on the transgressions of the clerk.

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