We all know that Tennessee is a dope place to live. We know how to throw parties and everyone wants to visit Nashville!
According to a new survey from Wallet Hub they compared all 50 states across 26 key indicators of a great time that won’t break the bank, including movie costs to accessibility of national parks to casinos per capita.
According to Wallet Hub's findings, here are the "most fun" states of 2019 ranked from best to worst:
- California
- Florida
- New York
- Washington
- Colorado
- Nevada
- Minnesota
- Pennsylvania
- Oregon
- Texas
- Illinois
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Arizona
- New Mexico
- Louisiana
- South Carolina
- Michigan
- Wisconsin
- North Carolina
- Massachusettes
- Maryland
- Tennessee
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Oklahoma
- Alaska
- Utah
- Virginia
- Wyoming
- South Dakota
- Idaho
- New Jersey
- Kentucky
- Iowa
- Montana
- Maine
- Nebraska
- Indiana
- North Dakota
- Kansas
- New Hampshire
- Connecticut
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Vermont
- Rhode Island
- Delaware
- Mississippi
- West Virginia