50 Cent ruffled feathers, as he often does, after reviewing Joe Biden’s proposed tax plan. 50 shared a picture from a newscast detailing the "top tax rates by state under [the] Biden tax plan." Several cities tax percentages were posted including New York, where 50 resides, the graphic showed that wealthy people in New York would be taxed at fifty-eight percent while wealthy residents of New York City would be taxed at 62 percent. "WHAT THE F--K! (VOTE ForTRUMP) IM OUT" wrote Jackson in the caption. "F--K NEW YORK The KNICKS never win anyway. I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya f--king mind." After fans reminded 50 that the tax was for “rich people,” 50 posted another picture of him smiling with his hands clasped together with the caption: "I just remembered i’m bankrupt, so i’m looking for a gracious loan can anyone help a brother out. LOL."
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