NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) —Possible mold problems in dorm rooms at Tennessee State University have two students telling FOX 17 News they’re dealing with respiratory issues. Both women shared video with of what they describe as moldy dorm conditions.
“When we told them first about the leak and the mold they said it was condensation,” the students explained.
The two out-of-state TSU freshman students concealed their identity out of fear they would be outcasts for discussing the issue. Both told FOX 17 News they live Mary Wilson Hall. They said their current respiratory issues are due to leaky, moldy pipes dripping on their HVAC systems.
“It’s very frustrating because we’re both out of state college students, so it’s not like we can go anywhere else.”
It's a concern FOX 17 News’ Erika Glover took to TSU's Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, Frank Stevenson.
“We’ve done some air quality test in several of the rooms,” explained Frank Stevenson. “It takes a couple of days to get the results. In most of the rooms we could determine just by our familiarity most of them did not have mold. In the areas even where there was testing we’ve already done the cleaning.”
The two students told me someone cleaned the surface of their air vent and that's it. Stevenson said any student facing similar issues should report problems via their online portal. The dean also made a point to say TSU has no outstanding mold complaints from Mary Wilson Hall.
“We have two students who have complained about some respiratory issues and so we’re looking in to that,” said Stevenson.