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King Push's latest song, "Rib Roast," features lyrics that poke fun at the Golden Arches while promoting Arby's Real Country Rib Sandwich. The song is Pusha’s second diss record on McDonald’s and features lyrics like, "McDonald's what you selling mystery meat?/Hop up and go away, what does history teach?/ Mickey D's McRib you ain't it in the streets/The real country style rib sandwich here to compete." The diss track is revenge for McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle, which Pusha and his brother, No Malice, wrote back in 2003, but they didn't cash out on any royalties on the business end. Pusha's "Spicy Fish Diss Music," which debuted back in March, is said to have given Arby's an $8 million marketing boost and improved his contract by giving him 40% of the track.