A couple days ago, Ray J got caught slippin' after he posted this video to his Instagram account. He was recording some sort of announcement when he accidentally walked into a certain area in his bathroom, and in the background was a woman wrapped in a towel...AND IT WASN'T HIS WIFE PRINCESS.
See below..
Princess since then has been posting subtle shade messages about cheating and letting go on Instagram, which has now been deleted. Ray is also attempting to clear his name by posting this message, that has ALSO been deleted.. "God is in control of everything Ray- don't let this negative energy get 2 you Ray- You are doing everything right – from being faithful – staying focused on the goal and treating everyone with respect and love Ray- Don't let the devil try to come into your world and break you down."
And now his MAMA is putting in her two cents! Remember on the show, L&HH Hollywood, Ray's mom was incredibly persistent about making Princess and Ray get a prenup..but when Princess found out Ray's mom wanted them to sign a prenup she was PISSED..and refused to marry Ray if he wanted her to sign a prenup..so to make wifey happy he ripped it up. And they married. With no prenup. After blasting Ray for cheating, Sonja Norwood actually wants Princess to APOLOGIZE to her son. TUH!
This is getting juicy y'all. Will they work things out for the sake of their unborn child & their marriage? Or will Princess take him for everything he's got. Find out next season on Love & Hip Hop Hollywood....literally...because I'm sure all the drama will be on the show. LOL