According to ABC 13 NEWS Donald Neely, 43, was arrested by the Galveston Police Department on Saturday, August 3 and charged with criminal trespassing. The community is in an uproar after a photo has surfaced showing Galveston PD walking Neely on a leash, while they rode horses. This viral photo offended many due to its close resemblance of a slave owner walking his slave down the road.
"You don't even do a dog like that," said Sherri Kelly, visiting the island from Spring. "I don't care. That's inhumane."
The Galveston Police Department released a statement monday as follows:
"First and foremost I must apologize to Mister Neely for this unnecessary embarrassment. Although this is a trained technique and best practice in some scenarios, I believe our officers showed poor judgement in this instance and could have waited for a transport unit at the location of arrest. My officers did not have any malicious intent at the time of the arrest, but we have immediately changed the policy to prevent the use of this technique and will review all mounted training and procedures for more appropriate methods."
Full story HERE