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As we see Rob Kardashian is out here getting played, and is basically a dork!
Blac Chyna is out here winning! She got dude out here eating out the palms of her hands..and ladies I know you all want to trap a sucker as well. But before you can trap the sucker you must first find the sucker!
Here are a few clues on how to find a sucker:
1. Find a dude who is very emotional on social media, always talking about his feelings and why women don't treat him right!
2. Find a guy who hangs with a lot of women and does not try to have intercourse with them.
3. Go after a guy who takes multiple selfies, or even better the double man selfie
There is a high chance that this man is a sucker and if you can find one that is rich you my friend would have pulled a Blac Chyna!